I wanted to start this post in an encouraging way but I have no idea how, so I will let this intention speak for itself. A while ago I started noticing the squirrels that live in the park near our home. They are active from around march to november, usually in the early morning and sometimes at noon too, if it’s not too noisy. I started leaving nuts for them, but being at home with my son allowed us more time to make a proper feeder.
Artsy Wednesdays – Flying Kite
Last weekend I saw a friend putting together a kite out of scraps of paper. I never flew a kite as a child and I thought it was absolutely awesome. I also remember my father telling me that it was a popular activity when he was a kid because there were no toys and children would play a lot outside, improvising all sorts of contraptions.
Pointillist robot – Art and Science Project
A STEAM challenge and a creative way to reuse old toys’ parts – Pointillist robot
First and foremost, I think education should have an interdisciplinary approach to art and science. Teaching them separately is like mining the human brain for an isolate resource and ignoring the rest. I think it goes against the holistic evolution of the human brain and body to exploit an aptitude in favor of another and compartmentalize disciplines.
The Japanese Daruma Goal Setting Doll
Artsy Wednesdays – Playdough Animals
We made play-dough for our #ArtsyWednesdays today.
Re-purposing Old Painting Frames
There are many ways to re-purpose old frames. The ones with glass I use for my art but the bigger and more classic looking ones get a completely new life.