In my native culture fate or the divine factor have a leading role in the evolution of our human life, it is believed that we all have our fate set from birth. I grew up with all sorts of mystical explanations about fate or the divine influencing love life, marriage, health and even exams.
Artsy Wednesdays – Playdough Animals
We made play-dough for our #ArtsyWednesdays today.
Art Brut Collection in Lausanne
I was attracted to the idea of outsider art since a couple of years ago when I discovered the concept but didn’t quite grasp what it was until this Saturday when we visited the Outsider Art Museum in Lausanne. I had enrolled my son in a sculpture workshop for children on the theme of their newest exhibition dedicated to the human form – Le Corps.
Aquatis Lausanne
Today seemed a perfect day for Acquatis, perfect because of the bad weather 🙂 and it was really worth the trip to Lausanne.