I wanted to start this post in an encouraging way but I have no idea how, so I will let this intention speak for itself. A while ago I started noticing the squirrels that live in the park near our home. They are active from around march to november, usually in the early morning and sometimes at noon too, if it’s not too noisy. I started leaving nuts for them, but being at home with my son allowed us more time to make a proper feeder.
Earth Overshoot Day and Diy Aquarium
Last Wednesday was the earliest Earth Overshoot Day ever registered, which means we have used more resources from our planet than it can renew within a year, with still 5 months to go till the end of the year.  This date happened to fall on the Swiss National Day – 1st of August, which made big news. According to Swissinfo, Switzerland is operating as if it had three planets at its disposal: it passed its country overshoot day on May 7. If everyone on the planet could afford the lifestyle of people living in Switzerland, as well as in many parts of Europe, it would be for a very very short time.
Monster challenge – paving the way to design thinking and engineering
Half way through summer vacation and I feel like it has been another school year where I am the teacher. I had stopped drinking coffee a while ago, but vacation is not helping out with my resolution. Creativity is also fatigue, unless you take a break from it. And this has been our most intensely creative vacation, Friboy wants to create and build stuff every day, we even did it while vacationing in Latvia.