Last week I took Friboy on a guided visit of the Fribourg Cantonal Police Headquarters in Granges-Paccot, organised by Ecole des Parents. I have to admit I was probably more excited to see how the inside of a police station looks and how the emergencies call-center works than my son was.
The Nestle Museum in Vevey
To my mind a contemporary museum is an educational space that enables critical reflection by asking the right questions, while minimizing its own bias . If it manages to do all that while entertaining me that is progressive museography. Having said this, I don’t think the Nest Museum of Nestle is a real museum, mausoleum would be more fit of a title, or its other designation, discovery center for children and adults, is definitely more appropriate.
Artsy Wednesdays – Easter Squeegee Painting
Each year before a major holiday I plan to send postcards to our extended family members. Sometimes I even go buy beautifully illustrated cards that end up in a drawer instead of the post office, or other times I craft cute cards with FriBoy, that end up in a different drawer. Social media has done that to us, now we send memes and tag each other on facebook. But this year is going to be different. I will definitely send these cards!
Bimano Indoor Playground
A friend recommended this place, it’s a new indoor playground in Bern. We really loved it. It has a very hip, creative, diy air like many playgrounds in Bern as compared to Fribourg.
Art Brut Collection in Lausanne
I was attracted to the idea of outsider art since a couple of years ago when I discovered the concept but didn’t quite grasp what it was until this Saturday when we visited the Outsider Art Museum in Lausanne. I had enrolled my son in a sculpture workshop for children on the theme of their newest exhibition dedicated to the human form – Le Corps.
Artsy Wednesdays – La Nuit des Mayas
Sometimes I find it frustrating that Lausanne, Geneva or Zürich have more to offer to children from the cultural point of view than Fribourg, especially on Wednesdays when I am out of ideas what to do with FriBoy. The good part is that in Switzerland these distances can be easily covered.
Rhino Star – The Museum of Natural History
As much as I love art, I wish I could say the coolest museum in Fribourg is the Art and History one, but it’s actually not. The Natural History Museum is the cultural institution by far the most alive and in tune with its public, especially the young public. Which is rather ironic for a place exhibiting dead animals but this means it is a real dynamic learning hub.